The AgentDesk CLI provides a command-line interface to manage desktop environments programmatically. Here are the primary switches and their usage:



Creates a new desktop environment.

  • Options:

    • --name: The name of the desktop to create. Defaults to a generated name.
    • --provider: The provider type for the desktop. Options are ‘ec2’, ‘gce’, and ‘qemu’. Default is ‘qemu’.
    • --image: The image to use for the desktop. Defaults to Ubuntu Jammy.
    • --memory: The amount of memory (in GB) for the desktop. Default is 4.
    • --cpu: The number of CPU cores for the desktop. Default is 2.
    • --disk: The disk size for the desktop. Format as ‘<size>gb’. Default is ‘30gb’.
    • --reserve-ip: Whether to reserve an IP address for the desktop. Default is False.
    • --ssh-key: The SSH key for the desktop. Optional.


Retrieves information about one or all desktops.

  • Options:

    • --name: The name of the desktop to retrieve. If not provided, all desktops will be listed.
    • --provider: The provider type for the desktop. Optional.


Deletes a specified desktop.

  • Arguments:

    • name: The name of the desktop to delete.


Opens a browser view of the specified desktop.

  • Arguments:

    • name: The name of the desktop to view.


Refreshes the provider information.

  • Arguments:

    • provider: The provider type for the desktop.


Stops the specified desktop.

  • Arguments:

    • name: The name of the desktop to stop.


Starts the specified desktop.

Doesn’t apply for local desktops: use create to start a local desktop.

  • Arguments:

    • name: The name of the desktop to start.


Clears the cache directory.

For more detailed information on each command, including options and examples, refer to the CLI help by running agentdesk --help or agentdesk <command> --help.